Windows 용 패키지 관리자. 더이상 직접 다운로드 하지말고 CLI 를 통해 설치하고 업데이트 하세요.
일반 사용자 무료, 중앙 관리는 유료
관리권한으로 실행한 파워쉘에서 명령어 입력
1Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
1# 설치 가능한 목록 받아오기
2choco list
4# 패키지 검색
5choco search '패키지명'
7# 설치 된 패키지 전체 업데이트, '/y' 옵션으로 라이선스 등 확인 전부 yes 입력
8choco upgrade all /y
name | description |
list | lists remote or local packages |
find | searches remote or local packages (alias for search) |
search | searches remote or local packages (alias for list) |
info | retrieves package information. Shorthand for choco search pkgname --exact --verb ose |
install | installs packages from various sources |
pin | suppress upgrades for a package |
outdated | retrieves packages that are outdated. Similar to upgrade all --noop |
upgrade | upgrades packages from various sources |
uninstall | uninstalls a package |
pack | packages up a nuspec to a compiled nupkg |
push | pushes a compiled nupkg |
new | generates files necessary for a chocolatey package from a template |
sources | view and configure default sources (alias for source) |
source | view and configure 열default sources |
config | Retrieve and configure config file settings |
feature | view and configure choco features |
features | view and configure choco features (alias for feature) |
setapikey | retrieves, saves or deletes an apikey for a particular source (alias for ap ikey) |
apikey | retrieves, saves or deletes an apikey for a particular source |
unpackself | have chocolatey set itself up |